Distribution of High-tech laboratory equipment and portable analytical equipment: X-ray tube X-ray fluorescence equipment with Co57 and Cd109 sources, for lead in paint analysis.
EXPERTISES, Diagnostician (ASCA VABS),
physicochemical characterizations of unknown substances:
a question, a doubt, some analysis, what are the analytical limits?
Some hesitations, CONTACT US
XRF devices, Raman …
Quick maintenance, rent of devices
Tools for sample collection and preparation
Trainings, development of analytical solutions
real estate diagnosis
We propose
We offer portable XRF devices.
XRF devices
Laboratory and portable
We offer devices for XRF analyzes (X-ray fluorescence with X-tube and gamma sources)
Sampling tools
Laboratory and portable
We offer sample collection and preparation tools for representativeness
and reproducibility
RAMAN devices
Laboratory and portable
We offer portable (autonomous) and Raman devices that can be interfaced on a scanning electron microscope
On-site training
Laboratory and portable
We offer on-site training and development of analytical solutions
Real estate diagnosis according to ASCA -- VABS specifications
Real estate diagnosis, Lead
On-site scientific expertise
Devices calibrated in Switzerland
Tailor-made analytical adaptations
Devices repaired in Switzerland
Replacement devices available
Distribution of samples
for daily device controls, custom calibrations for equipment on demand